Sunday, July 24, 2011

One day of democracy

Very nice, the movement which tries to "preserve Israel's democracy", but did that not already cease to exist long ago? How can one call it a democracy when decisions affecting the lives of some 10 million people are taken by a government for the election of which several million are excluded?

That is because of a "temporary occupation", they say. "We didn't annex the occupied territories, so the Palestinians should not be counted."

But the occupation already lasts more than 44 years. Even considering that Israel existed as a democracy during its first 19 years, still it was most of the time an occupier, more than two thirds of the time, denying millions of people fundamental civil rights for many decades

Democracy, what democracy? Look what you would get if there would be one day of real democracy between the river and the sea - only one day in which was held a referendum: there would be an overwhelming majority for ending the occupation.